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Thank you so much for your interest in sponsoring the
2023 CTAEYC Annual Conference
The Connecticut Association for the Education of Young Children (CTAEYC) is the state affiliate of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). CTAEYC and NAEYC are dedicated to improving the lives of young children and their families by focusing on empowering the professionals that work with them.
CTAEYC was established as a non-profit organization in 1966 together with other local affiliates throughout Connecticut to support the mission of NAEYC by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. While over the years the affiliate structure in Connecticut has changed, the overall mission of empowering professionals working with children and families has not.
With your support, CTAEYC is able to bring professional development to life for early childhood educators across the state. Your sponsorship shows your support for those very special educators that make a difference every day in the lives of thousands of families in Connecticut. Early childhood educators are the backbone of our state, educating and caring for the state's youngest citizens so their families can work, attend school, and make a difference in their communities. Your support means everything.
The 2023 Annual Conference will be held at Tunxis Community College on October 27th and 28th. We invite you to be part of the celebration by sponsoring the conference. Please see below for more information.
Sponsorship Levels
Gold Level: $1,500
Gold level sponsors will receive an exhibitor table free of charge, 2 lunches, their name and/or logo displayed in the print conference brochure and on the conference website, the ability include pre-printed materials in the conference attendee bag, and five (5) minutes at the podium to present their organization to the attendees.
Silver Level: $1000
Silver level sponsors will receive an exhibitor table free of charge, 2 lunches, the ability include pre-printed materials in the conference attendee bag, and their name and/or logo displayed in the print conference brochure and on the conference website.
Bronze Level: $500
Bronze level sponsors will receive an exhibitor table free of charge, 2 lunches, and have their name and/or logo displayed in the print conference brochure and on the conference website.
Friends of CTAEYC: $100
Friends level sponsors will have their name and/or logo displayed on the conference website.
To pledge your support to the early childhood educators in Connecticut, please complete the sponsorship form below, or download a sponsorship form here. In either case, you will be invoiced for the sponsorship level chosen.
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